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Rubber Teat Droppers

Rubber Teat Droppers

7.25 INR/Piece

Product Details:

  • Product Type Rubber Teat Droppers
  • Natural Rubber Yes
  • Hardness Soft
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Rubber Teat Droppers Price And Quantity

  • 20000 Piece
  • 7.25 INR/Piece

Rubber Teat Droppers Product Specifications

  • Yes
  • Soft
  • Rubber Teat Droppers

Rubber Teat Droppers Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID)
  • All India

Product Description

Rubber teat droppers could refer to a number of things, but based on the terms used, it could also refer to a tool or apparatus used in agricultural or animal husbandry.

A rubber teat could refer to the nipple like feature on bottles used to feed calves or lambs, frequently when they are orphaned or need supplementation feeding. The animals can suckle more easily thanks to these rubber teats that resemble the mothers nipple.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: A rubber teat dropper is what?

A: Small medical equipment known as a rubber teat dropper is used to give liquids or drugs to infants, young children, and even animals. It features a rubber bulb coupled to a soft, flexible teat that dispenses liquids in a controlled manner.

Q: How should a rubber teat dropper be used?

A: Squeeze the rubber bulb of a rubber teat dropper to force liquid into the dropper. The dropper will fill when the teat end is inserted into the liquid and the bulb is released. Squeeze the bulb to release the liquid while gently inserting the teat into the recipient's mouth.

Q: Why would someone use a rubber teat dropper?

A: When giving oral medications, vitamins, supplements, or liquids to infants and young children who might have trouble swallowing pills or capsules, rubber teat droppers are frequently utilised. Small animals can also be fed with them.

Q: Are babies able to use the rubber teat?

A: When used appropriately, rubber teat droppers are generally regarded as safe for infants. To avoid infection, its crucial to make sure the dropper is clean and sterilised before each use.

Q: How should a rubber teat dropper be cleaned?

A: After every usage, properly clean the rubber teat dropper. Remove the teat from the rubber bulb to disassemble it. Rinse both parts thoroughly after washing them in warm, soapy water. Before sterilising, make sure there is no soap or leftover residue. The parts can be sterilised using a specified solution or by briefly boiling them.
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